If you care about democracy, you should care about what's happening right now in Hong Kong
http://t.co/lLLpDycnFB pic.twitter.com/aanOfqHEF9
— The Independent (@Independent) 2014, 9月 29
Are the Gods blessing the #UmbrellaRevolution with the rain? #OccupyCentral #OccupyHongKong #HongKongProtest @OCLPHK pic.twitter.com/lw5BgPQZ2Q
— JU (@JigmeUgen) 2014, 9月 30
At the National Day reception, Paul Zimmerman wore a yellow ribbon and held up a yellow umbrella amid the crowds. pic.twitter.com/71Vrq2z4US
— HKDemoNow (@hkdemonow) 2014, 10月 1
Steady stream of ppl arriving at the Admiralty protest site #Occupycentral many returned home during rain last night pic.twitter.com/XP53A5hKW6
— Tom Grundy (@tomgrundy) 2014, 10月 1
Road as canvas. Connaught Rd Central, a big playground. pic.twitter.com/kSyFEQaYLP
— Varsity CUHK (@varsitycuhk) 2014, 10月 1
Amazing photo from last nights Occupy Central, posted by the folks @iheartHongKong #HongKong #OccupyCentral #peace pic.twitter.com/XNSkEXX6Ur
— simon squibb (@simonsquibb) 2014, 10月 1