東大の佐藤佳准教授が主催する『The SATO Laboratory』のツイートと、今回の佐藤ラボの論文を紹介した倉持仁医師のツイートより
病原性が高いとタチが悪いようです。 https://t.co/f3wFeqOXrr
— 倉持仁 (@kuramochijin) February 16, 2022
#拡散希望 🔔速報🔔 新型コロナ研究コンソーシアムG2P-Japan🇯🇵のプレプリント第7弾を、bioRxiv @biorxivpreprint に発表しました。#ステルスオミクロン とも呼ばれる「BA.2系統」は、従来の #オミクロン株 (BA.1系統)よりも、伝播力も病原性も高い可能性があります。1/6https://t.co/Qi1UwKXRCG
— The Sato Lab (Kei Sato) (@SystemsVirology) February 16, 2022
1⃣ ウイルス配列の数理統計解析によって、BA.2(ステルスオミクロン)の #伝播力 は、BA.1(従来のオミクロン)よりも約1.4倍高いことを明らかにしました。実際、デンマークやインド、フィリピンなどの国では、すでにBA.2への置き換わりが進んでいます。2/6 pic.twitter.com/qt2OfaHLBW— The Sato Lab (Kei Sato) (@SystemsVirology) February 16, 2022
2⃣ ワクチン接種者の血清を使った中和試験の結果、BA.2(ステルスオミクロン)は、BA.1(従来のオミクロン)と同様、ワクチンによって誘導される中和抗体にきわめて抵抗性であることを明らかにしました。3/6 pic.twitter.com/Y7ZYvzf3yl
— The Sato Lab (Kei Sato) (@SystemsVirology) February 16, 2022
3⃣ BA.1に感染して回復したハムスター、あるいは、BA.1のスパイクタンパク質で免疫したマウスの血清を使った中和試験の結果、BA.1で獲得した免疫は、BA.2に対して効きづらいことを明らかにしました(実験動物の血清を使ったのは、ワクチン未接種のBA.1感染回復者の血清の収集が不充分なため)。4/6 pic.twitter.com/UzbRpFzREk
— The Sato Lab (Kei Sato) (@SystemsVirology) February 16, 2022
4⃣ BA.2の臨床分離株がまだ未取得であったため、BA.2のスパイクタンパク質を持った新型コロナウイルス "BA.2 S" を人工合成し、ハムスターを用いた感染実験を実施しました。その結果、"BA.2 S" の病原性は、BA.1よりも高く、従来株(図中「B.1.1」)と同等であることを明らかにしました。5/6 pic.twitter.com/cUuLDqRKWX
— The Sato Lab (Kei Sato) (@SystemsVirology) February 16, 2022
まとめ▶️ BA.2(ステルスオミクロン)は、伝播力、病原性、免疫抵抗性のいずれにおいても、BA.1(従来のオミクロン)よりもリスクが高い可能性があります。BA.2はすでに日本に流入しています。流行の動向は今後の対策次第ですが、リスクの高い変異株が出現していることに警戒すべきと考えます。6/6
— The Sato Lab (Kei Sato) (@SystemsVirology) February 16, 2022
◆Virological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 BA.2 variant
【bioRxiv 2022年2月15日】
Soon after the emergence and global spread of a new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Omicron lineage, BA.1 (ref1, 2), another Omicron lineage, BA.2, has initiated outcompeting BA.1. Statistical analysis shows that the effective reproduction number of BA.2 is 1.4-fold higher than that of BA.1. Neutralisation experiments show that the vaccine-induced humoral immunity fails to function against BA.2 like BA.1, and notably, the antigenicity of BA.2 is different from BA.1. Cell culture experiments show that BA.2 is more replicative in human nasal epithelial cells and more fusogenic than BA.1. Furthermore, infection experiments using hamsters show that BA.2 is more pathogenic than BA.1. Our multiscale investigations suggest that the risk of BA.2 for global health is potentially higher than that of BA.1.
– 東京大学,神戸大学,熊本大学,北海道大学,京都大学の研究者によるBA.2に関する新たな研究では,BA.2は,オミクロンBA.1とは異なり,はるかに細胞融合性と病原性が高く,その伝播性の増加により指数関数的に世界的に広り,人々の健康に深刻なの脅威をもたらすことが判明しました。https://t.co/gzQfhu3ZhZ
— fdzaraf (@fdzaraf) February 16, 2022
– 研究結果は, BA.2がBA.1よりも肺組織においてより迅速かつ効率的に広がることも示しています。この研究は, イスラエルのワイツマン科学研究所とエジプトのスエズ運河大学の専門家の協力も得ています。統計解析によると, BA.2の実効再生産数はBA.1の1.4倍でした。
— fdzaraf (@fdzaraf) February 16, 2022
– 中和実験の結果,BA.2もワクチンを回避し,抗原性はBA.1とは異なることが分かりました。細胞培養実験を含む研究結果は,ヒト鼻上皮細胞において,BA.2がBA.1より複製性や融合性も高いことを示しました。心配なことに, ハムスターを用いた感染実験では,BA.2がBA .1より病原性が高いことを示しています。
— fdzaraf (@fdzaraf) February 16, 2022
– 本試験の結果は, VeroE6/TMPRSS2細胞では, BA.1とBA.2の増殖性は同等でしたが, Calu‐3細胞と初代ヒト鼻上皮細胞では, BA.2の方がBA .1より増殖性が高いこと示されました。特に, 感染細胞の形状は異なっており, BA.2はBA.1より有意に大きな合胞体を形成しました(1.52倍)。
— fdzaraf (@fdzaraf) February 16, 2022
– HEK293‐ACE2/TMPRSS2細胞とSpike発現(感染)細胞の共培養では, BA.2のSpike発現細胞が, BA.1のそれと比較して, 有意に大きな(2.9倍の)多核合胞体の形成を誘導することを示しました。
— fdzaraf (@fdzaraf) February 16, 2022
– 研究結果に基づいて,研究チームは,BA.2が独自の"懸念される変異株"として認識され,サーベイされるべきであると提言しています。
— fdzaraf (@fdzaraf) February 16, 2022
◆BREAKING! Japanese Study Alarmingly Reveals That Omicron BA.2 Variant Is A Major Health Threat As It Is More Fusogenic, Pathogenic And Causes Severe Outcomes! – Thailand Medical News
【Thailand Medical News 2022年2月16日】
A new detailed study on the characteristics of the Omicron BA.2 variant by Japanese researchers from the University of Tokyo, Kobe University, Kumamoto University, Hokkaido University and Kyoto University has alarmingly found that the new variant is completely different from the initial Omicron BA.1 variant and is far more fusogenic and pathogenic and poses a serious health threat as it now spreading globally at an exponential rate due to its increased transmissibility.
The study findings also indicate that BA.2 is more rapidly and efficiently spread in the lung tissues than BA.1!
The study was also supported by experts from Weizmann Institute of Science-Israel and the Suez Canal University-Egypt.
Statistical analysis shows that the effective reproduction number of BA.2 is 1.4-fold higher than that of BA.1.
Neutralization experiments show that the vaccine-induced humoral immunity fails to function against BA.2 variant like BA.1, and notably, the antigenicity of BA.2 is different from BA.1.
The study findings involving cell culture experiments showed that showed that BA.2 is more replicative in human nasal epithelial cells and more fusogenic than BA.1.
Worryingly, infection experiments using hamsters show that BA.2 is more pathogenic than BA.1.
The study findings suggest that the risk of BA.2 for global health is potentially far higher than that of BA.1.
The study findings were published on a preprint server and are currently being peer reviewed. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.02.14.480335v1
The study findings showed that although the growth of BA.1 and BA.2 was comparable in VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells, BA.2 was more replicative than BA.1 in Calu-3 cells and primary human nasal epithelial cells.
Notably, the morphology of infected cells was different; BA.2 formed significantly (1.52-fold) larger syncytia than BA.1. Whereas the plaque size in VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells infected with BA.1 and BA.2 was significantly smaller than those of cells infected with B.1.1, the plaques formed by BA.2 infection are significantly (1.27-fold) larger than those by BA.1 infection.
Moreover, the coculture of S-expressing cells with HEK293-ACE2/TMPRSS2 cells showed that BA.2 S induces significantly (2.9-fold) larger multinuclear syncytia formation when compared to BA.1.
These study findings suggest that BA.2 is more fusogenic than BA.1.
To further address this possibility, the study team analyzed the fusogenicity of the S proteins of BA.2 S by a cell-based fusion assay. The expression level of BA.2 S on the cell surface was significantly lower than that of BA.1 S.
The fusion assay using VeroE6/TMPRSS2 cells and Calu-3 cells showed that BA.2 S is significantly more fusogenic than BA.1 S.
The study team then analyzed the binding affinity of BA.2 S receptor binding domain (RBD) to ACE2 by a yeast surface display assay. Although the binding affinity of BA.1 S RBD to ACE2 is controversial, our yeast surface display showed that the binding affinity of the RBD of BA.1 and BA.2 is comparable.
These study findings suggest that BA.2 is more rapidly and efficiently spread in the lung tissues than BA.1.
In order to investigate the pathogenicity of BA.2, the right lungs of infected hamsters were collected at 1, 3, and 5 d.p.i. and were used for haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining and histopathological analysis.
All histopathological parameters including bronchitis/bronchiolitis, haemorrhage, alveolar damage, and the levels of type II pneumocytes, of BA.2-infected hamsters were significantly higher than those in BA.1.
The score indicating haemorrhage including congestive edema of BA.2 was significantly higher than that of B.1.1.
Hyperplastic large type II pneumocytes suggesting the severity of inflammation were observed in all infected hamsters at 5 d.p.i., and particularly, the area of large type II pneumocytes in BA.2-infected hamsters was significantly larger than those in B.1.1- and BA.1-infected hamsters!
Total histology score of BA.2 was significantly higher than that of BA.1. Furthermore, in the BA.2- and B.1.1-infected lungs, the inflammation with type II alveolar pneumocyte hyperplasia was found in each lobe especially frontal/upper and accessary lobes.
These study findings show that the BA.2 variant can cause extensive lung damage and also cause disease severity in those that are infected and is definitely is not as mild as the initial Omicron BA.1 variant.
More importantly, the viral RNA load in the lung periphery and histopathological disorders of BA.2 were more severe than those of BA.1 and even B.1.1.
Together with a higher effective reproduction number and pronounced immune resistance of BA.2, it is evident that the spread of BA.2 can be a serious issue for global health in the near future.
In summary, the study findings suggest the possibility that BA.2 would be the most concerned variant to global health. Currently, both BA.2 and BA.1 are recognized together as Omicron and these are almost undistinguishable.
Based on the study findings, the study team proposes that BA.2 should be recognized as a unique variant of concern, and this SARS-CoV-2 variant should be monitored in depth.