SARS-CoV-2 と COVID-19 に関するメモ・備忘録
— Angama (@Angama_Market) November 7, 2023
コロナウイルスを猿に感染。7ヶ月ぐらい観察、それで依然肺のマクロファージに増殖できる形でウイルスが持続感染することを示している。なんでそんな長期間持続感染できるかだけど(細胞のTurn overもあるので)どうもマクロファージ同士が接合してそこから別の細胞に感染しつづける事ができるのではと…
— Kazz.MD.Ph.D. (@KazBowen) November 3, 2023
— Kazz.MD.Ph.D. (@KazBowen) November 3, 2023
そんで肺胞中のインターフェロンガンマ産生するNatural killer 細胞の数が減ってることを見つけてる
— Kazz.MD.Ph.D. (@KazBowen) November 4, 2023
ちょっと席外してた。続き。さらにIFNガンマで細胞を処理してやると細胞内のウイルス増殖を抑えることも示している。ただ同時に長期にウイルスが感染した肺ではNK cellの様子がおかしいことも見つけていて、それがスパイクタンパクがNK cellと結合することで起こっているのではと。ただしB cell上の抗体に比べると遥かに弱いみたいなので、抗体が十分に誘導された環境ではどこまで働けるかは謎
— Kazz.MD.Ph.D. (@KazBowen) November 4, 2023
そんで、更にMHC-Eと呼ばれるNon classical MHC moleculeを(Macrophageとかに出てくる)見てるんだけど、これサルとか人にしかなくて、病原体の一部を提示してNK cellを活性化できるんだけど、このMHC-EがスパイクのSignal sequence部分(通常は細胞表面にスパイクが出てくるときに、切断されてMatureなスパイクタンパクにはない部分。細胞内にのみ存在する)の一部が結合することも示していて、これは結果としてNK cellの活性化を阻害するみたい。あとIFNガンマはこの発現も誘導するみたいで、結果としてNK cellの活性化を止める形で動くんだね。ただ興味深いのはこの阻害は未感染のサルとか人のNK cellでは起こるが感染から回復してウイルスがいなくなったサルから回収したNK cellでは阻害が起こらないんだって。つまりワクチンでも感染でも一度暴露するとそのあたりの連携が変わってNK cellが働けるようになるのかもね。
— Kazz.MD.Ph.D. (@KazBowen) November 4, 2023
基本動物実験は未接種初感染のモデルと考えれて、特に今回はサルなので人により近いモデル。なので初感染で肺まで行った人は、こういったことが起こってるかもしれないね。初感染では自然免疫では持続感染が防ぎにくいメカニズムを示しているのかもしれない。ただワクチンや既感染者の場合、抗体やClassical MHC molecule (ほんちゃんの細胞性免疫。。Cd1とかMHC-Eをディスってるわけではないけど)が誘導されているので、あまり結合力の強くなさそうな、このシステムが有効に働くかは謎だな。ただマクロファージが細胞ー細胞間で感染を維持するなら、いわゆる抗体は効かないので厄介だなと思う論文でした。あと感染したマクロファージが実際にフリーのウイルスばらまくという証拠は今のところないので、最初に感染するときに肺に到達しなければどうということはない。のかもしれないね
— Kazz.MD.Ph.D. (@KazBowen) November 4, 2023
— Kazz.MD.Ph.D. (@KazBowen) November 4, 2023
◆SARS-CoV-2 viral persistence in lung alveolar macrophages is controlled by IFN-γ and NK cells【nature immunology 2023年11月2日】
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA generally becomes undetectable in upper airways after a few days or weeks postinfection. Here we used a model of viral infection in macaques to address whether SARS-CoV-2 persists in the body and which mechanisms regulate its persistence. Replication-competent virus was detected in bronchioalveolar lavage (BAL) macrophages beyond 6 months postinfection. Viral propagation in BAL macrophages occurred from cell to cell and was inhibited by interferon-γ (IFN-γ). IFN-γ production was strongest in BAL NKG2r+CD8+ T cells and NKG2Alo natural killer (NK) cells and was further increased in NKG2Alo NK cells after spike protein stimulation. However, IFN-γ production was impaired in NK cells from macaques with persisting virus. Moreover, IFN-γ also enhanced the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-E on BAL macrophages, possibly inhibiting NK cell-mediated killing. Macaques with less persisting virus mounted adaptive NK cells that escaped the MHC-E-dependent inhibition. Our findings reveal an interplay between NK cells and macrophages that regulated SARS-CoV-2 persistence in macrophages and was mediated by IFN-γ.
— Angama (@Angama_Market) November 3, 2023
— Angama (@Angama_Market) November 7, 2023
— Angama (@Angama_Market) November 7, 2023
◆SARS-CoV-2 ORF7a blocked autophagy flux by intervening in the fusion between autophagosome and lysosome to promote viral infection and pathogenesis【WILEY Online Library 2023年11月2日】
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to pose a major threat to public health worldwide. Although many studies have clarified the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection process, the underlying mechanisms of viral invasion and immune evasion were still unclear. This study focused on SARS-CoV-2 ORF7a (open reading frame-7a), one of the essential open reading frames (ORFs) in infection and pathogenesis. First, by analyzing its physical and chemical characteristics, SARS-CoV-2 ORF7a is an unstable hydrophobic transmembrane protein. Then, the ORF7a transmembrane domain three-dimensional crystal structure model was predicted and verified. SARS-CoV-2 ORF7a localized in the endoplasmic reticulum and participated in the autophagy-lysosome pathway via interacting with p62. In addition, we elucidated the underlying molecular mechanisms by which ORF7a intercepted autophagic flux, promoted double membrane vesicle formation, and evaded host autophagy-lysosome degradation and antiviral innate immunity. This study demonstrated that ORF7a could be a therapeutic target, and Glecaprevir may be a potential drug against SARS-CoV-2 by targeting ORF7a. A comprehensive understanding of ORF7a’s functions may contribute to developing novel therapies and clinical drugs against COVID-19.
◆Double-Membrane Vesicles as Platforms for Viral Replication【Cell Trends in Microbiology 2020年6月11日】
Positive-sense RNA viruses utilize host membranes to generate viral replication organelles (ROs), inducing either invaginated spherules or double-membrane vesicles (DMVs) to support viral RNA synthesis.
DMVs have emerged as a recurrent RO motif among important human pathogenic viruses. These include picornaviruses such as enteroviruses and poliovirus, hepatitis C virus, noroviruses, and coronaviruses such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)- and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-coronaviruses.
Virus-induced DMVs appear to derive from membranes of the secretory pathway and form via several membrane remodelling steps coordinated by specific viral nonstructural proteins and host factors.
Recent evidence demonstrates that DMVs are a central hub for the synthesis of viral RNA (vRNA), making them attractive targets for novel antiviral interventions.
Viruses, as obligate intracellular parasites, exploit cellular pathways and resources in a variety of fascinating ways. A striking example of this is the remodelling of intracellular membranes into specialized structures that support the replication of positive-sense ssRNA (+RNA) viruses infecting eukaryotes. These distinct forms of virus-induced structures include double-membrane vesicles (DMVs), found during viral infections as diverse and notorious as those of coronaviruses, enteroviruses, noroviruses, or hepatitis C virus. Our understanding of these DMVs has evolved over the past 15 years thanks to advances in imaging techniques and modern molecular biology tools. In this article, we review contemporary understanding of the biogenesis, structure, and function of virus-induced DMVs as well as the open questions posed by these intriguing structures.
10th長期予測更新(1)10-1st Surge EG.5.1x 11月下旬~12月中旬極大 過去最大級の恐れ
10-2nd Surge GK.1.1x or HK.3x 12月下旬~1月極大(免疫回避強化株) 規模不明
10-3rd Surge HK.3x or HV.1.x, BA.2.86x 2月~3月極大(免疫回避株) 規模不明
— Hiroshi Makita Ph.D. 誰が日本のコロナ禍を悪化させたのか?扶桑社8/18発売中 (@BB45_Colorado) November 6, 2023
10th長期予測更新(2)10-4th or 11-1st Surge BA.2.86, HV.1.x or 未知の新株 3月以降4月~5月極大(免疫回避株) 規模不明
10月末から11月初旬にかけて温暖であったため、関西以東、山形・福島以西で10th Surgeは成長が遅れている。
北海道、仙台市、甲信地方で10-1st Surgeが成長過程。
— Hiroshi Makita Ph.D. 誰が日本のコロナ禍を悪化させたのか?扶桑社8/18発売中 (@BB45_Colorado) November 6, 2023
10th長期予測更新(4)強い選択圧力を経た10-4th/11-1st Surgeでは、ワクチンが完全敗北する見込である。
— Hiroshi Makita Ph.D. 誰が日本のコロナ禍を悪化させたのか?扶桑社8/18発売中 (@BB45_Colorado) November 6, 2023
10th長期予測更新(5)日本では、8割近くの人の初回接触抗原がmRNAワクチンであり且つ世界でずば抜けた多回接種かつ高接種率の為Immune Imprintingが強く表れる可能性がある。
Immune Imprintingのため、XBBワクチンの次のワクチンは特に日本において開発が極めて難しくなる可能性がある。
— Hiroshi Makita Ph.D. 誰が日本のコロナ禍を悪化させたのか?扶桑社8/18発売中 (@BB45_Colorado) November 6, 2023
10th長期予測更新(7)東日本では11月末には10-1st Surgeによる社会の混乱があり得るので、早急にXBBワクチン接種を強く推奨。
中四国九州では、9-3rd Surge非収束による10-1st Surge発現の可能性があり、XBBワクチン接種を推奨。
— Hiroshi Makita Ph.D. 誰が日本のコロナ禍を悪化させたのか?扶桑社8/18発売中 (@BB45_Colorado) November 6, 2023
2023/11/07 10th長期予測更新(8)
前回接種から1年以上経過した人は、COVID-19ワクチンの追加接種を強く推奨する。KD-414とノババックスXBBの承認が10th Surgeに間に合う可能性は絶望的である為、現有のワクチンから程度がマシなものを選択する他ない。
既接種者はImmune Imprintingを考えても無駄
— Hiroshi Makita Ph.D. 誰が日本のコロナ禍を悪化させたのか?扶桑社8/18発売中 (@BB45_Colorado) November 6, 2023
10th Surge長期予測更新(9)受験生は、年末のできるだけ遅い時点でワクチン接種を検討を強く推奨する。
KD-414が間に合う可能性は最早無いので、Immune Imprintingは、コストとして受入れる他なく、個別のリスクとベネフィットの比較考量が求められる。
— Hiroshi Makita Ph.D. 誰が日本のコロナ禍を悪化させたのか?扶桑社8/18発売中 (@BB45_Colorado) November 6, 2023
兵庫県がちゃんとシークエンスやっている&どことは言わないが付近の自治体が無能でガンガン入れているだけみたいだけど— ramos2 (@ramos262740691) November 6, 2023
— Angama (@Angama_Market) November 7, 2023
— Angama (@Angama_Market) November 7, 2023
— うじー@感染対策魔人はマスク着用と科学で対処 (@medical_for_all) November 3, 2023
— Angama (@Angama_Market) November 7, 2023
— Angama (@Angama_Market) November 8, 2023
血液に感染し全身を巡り血栓作るわ、脳神経に感染しブレインフォグという認知症様症状を起こすわ、深刻な自己免疫疾患発症が数倍になるわ、EBウイルス活性化させるわ— isopi新アカウント@カルトの国😭 (@isopi152) November 3, 2023
— Angama (@Angama_Market) November 7, 2023
論説「コロナの“エンデミック化”で葬られる公衆衛生」 John Snow Project編集部 2023/11/7
Editorial 'Endemic' SARS-CoV-2 and the death of public health John Snow Project Nov/6/2023
— vogelsang7 (@vogelsang7) November 8, 2023
それは現在進行中の、感染症対策をめぐる公衆衛生(Public Health)派(伝統的封じ込め論)vs.自由放任(Laissez-faire)派(#集団免疫論、#免疫負債論)のパラダイム闘争だ。
……— vogelsang7 (@vogelsang7) November 8, 2023
……— vogelsang7 (@vogelsang7) November 8, 2023
前者は感染症での死亡など短期的被害(メディアコントロールなどで隠されがち)ばかりでなく、後遺症など長期的被害を指摘するが、後者は近視眼的な社会的・政治的・経済的動機の圧力に後押しされ、いまや世界各国の政策がそれになびいている。……— vogelsang7 (@vogelsang7) November 8, 2023
公衆衛生派陣営の旗手がJohn Snow Project(科学的コロナ対策を訴える医学・環境工学専門家らからなる国際的知識人グループ)だ。— vogelsang7 (@vogelsang7) November 8, 2023
なんだか、なじみのある話ですね”。— vogelsang7 (@vogelsang7) November 8, 2023
◆‘Endemic’ SARS-CoV-2 and the death of public health【John Snow Project Editorial 2023年11月6日】
SARS-CoV-2 is now circulating out of control worldwide. The only major limitation on transmission is the immune environment the virus faces. The disease it causes, COVID-19, is now a risk faced by most people as part of daily life.
While some are better than others, no national or regional government is making serious efforts towards infection prevention and control, and it seems likely this laissez-faire policy will continue for the foreseeable future. The social, political, and economic movements that worked to achieve this mass infection environment can rejoice at their success.
Those schooled in public health, immunology or working on the front line of healthcare provision know we face an uncertain future, and are aware the implications of recent events stretch far beyond SARS-CoV-2. The shifts that have taken place in attitudes and public health policy will likely damage a key pillar that forms the basis of modern civilized society, one that was built over the last two centuries; the expectation of a largely uninterrupted upwards trajectory of ever-improving health and quality of life, largely driven by the reduction and elimination of infectious diseases that plagued humankind for thousands of years. In the last three years, that trajectory has reversed.
The upward trajectory of public health in the last two centuries
Control of infectious disease has historically been a priority for all societies. Quarantine has been in common use since at least the Bronze Age and has been the key method for preventing the spread of infectious diseases ever since. The word “quarantine” itself derives from the 40-day isolation period for ships and crews that was implemented in Europe during the late Middle Ages to prevent the introduction of bubonic plague epidemics into cities.
Modern public health traces its roots to the middle of the 19th century thanks to converging scientific developments in early industrial societies:
- The germ theory of diseases was firmly established in the mid-19th century, in particular after Louis Pasteur disproved the spontaneous generation hypothesis. If diseases spread through transmission chains between individual humans or from the environment/animals to humans, then it follows that those transmission chains can be interrupted, and the spread stopped.
- The science of epidemiology appeared, its birth usually associated with the 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak in London during which the British physician John Snow identified contaminated water as the source of cholera, pointing to improved sanitation as the way to stop cholera epidemics.
- Vaccination technology began to develop, initially against smallpox, and the first mandatory smallpox vaccination campaigns began, starting in England in the 1850s.
- The early industrial era generated horrendous workplace and living conditions for working class populations living in large industrial cities, dramatically reducing life expectancy and quality of life (life expectancy at birth in key industrial cities in the middle of the 19th century was often in the low 30s or even lower2). This in turn resulted in a recognition that such environmental factors affect human health and life spans. The long and bitter struggle for workers’ rights in subsequent decades resulted in much improved working conditions, workplace safety regulations, and general sanitation, and brought sharp increases in life expectancy and quality of life, which in turn had positive impacts on productivity and wealth.
- Florence Nightingale reemphasized the role of ventilation in healing and preventing illness, ‘The very first canon of nursing… : keep the air he breathes as pure as the external air, without chilling him,’ a maxim that influenced building design at the time.
These trends continued in the 20th century, greatly helped by further technological and scientific advances. Many diseases – diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, etc. – became things of the past thanks to near-universal highly effective vaccinations, while others that used to be common are no longer of such concern for highly developed countries in temperate climates – malaria, typhus, typhoid, leprosy, cholera, tuberculosis, and many others – primarily thanks to improvements in hygiene and the implementation of non-pharmaceutical measures for their containment.
Furthermore, the idea that infectious diseases should not just be reduced, but permanently eliminated altogether began to be put into practice in the second half of the 20th century on a global level, and much earlier locally. These programs were based on the obvious consideration that if an infectious agent is driven to extinction, the incalculable damage to people’s health and the overall economy by a persisting and indefinite disease burden will also be eliminated.
The ambition of local elimination grew into one of global eradication for smallpox, which was successfully eliminated from the human population in the 1970s (this had already been achieved locally in the late 19th century by some countries), after a heroic effort to find and contain the last remaining infectious individuals. The other complete success was rinderpest in cattle, globally eradicated in the early 21st century.
When the COVID-19 pandemic started, global eradication programs were very close to succeeding for two other diseases – polio and dracunculiasis. Eradication is also globally pursued for other diseases, such as yaws, and regionally for many others, e.g. lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, measles and rubella. The most challenging diseases are those that have an external reservoir outside the human population, especially if they are insect borne, and in particular those carried by mosquitos. Malaria is the primary example, but despite these difficulties, eradication of malaria has been a long-standing global public health goal and elimination has been achieved in temperate regions of the globe, even though it involved the ecologically destructive widespread application of polluting chemical pesticides to reduce the populations of the vectors. Elimination is also a public goal for other insect borne diseases such as trypanosomiasis.
In parallel with pursuing maximal reduction and eventual eradication of the burden of existing endemic infectious diseases, humanity has also had to battle novel infectious diseases, which have been appearing at an increased rate over recent decades. Most of these diseases are of zoonotic origin, and the rate at which they are making the jump from wildlife to humans is accelerating, because of the increased encroachment on wildlife due to expanding human populations and physical infrastructure associated with human activity, the continued destruction of wild ecosystems that forces wild animals towards closer human contact, the booming wildlife trade, and other such trends.
Because it is much easier to stop an outbreak when it is still in its early stages of spreading through the population than to eradicate an endemic pathogen, the governing principle has been that no emerging infectious disease should be allowed to become endemic. This goal has been pursued reasonably successfully and without controversy for many decades.
The most famous newly emerging pathogens were the filoviruses (Ebola, Marburg), the SARS and MERS coronaviruses, and paramyxoviruses like Nipah. These gained fame because of their high lethality and potential for human-to-human spread, but they were merely the most notable of many examples.
Such epidemics were almost always aggressively suppressed. Usually, these were small outbreaks, and because highly pathogenic viruses such as Ebola cause very serious sickness in practically all infected people, finding and isolating the contagious individuals is a manageable task. The largest such epidemic was the 2013-16 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, when a filovirus spread widely in major urban centers for the first time. Containment required a wartime-level mobilization, but that was nevertheless achieved, even though there were nearly 30,000 infections and more than 11,000 deaths.
SARS was also contained and eradicated from the human population back in 2003-04, and the same happened every time MERS made the jump from camels to humans, as well as when there were Nipah outbreaks in Asia.
The major counterexample of a successful establishment in the human population of a novel highly pathogenic virus is HIV. HIV is a retrovirus, and as such it integrates into the host genome and is thus nearly impossible to eliminate from the body and to eradicate from the population (unless all infected individuals are identified and prevented from infecting others for the rest of their lives). However, HIV is not an example of the containment principle being voluntarily abandoned as the virus had made its zoonotic jump and established itself many decades before its eventual discovery and recognition, and long before the molecular tools that could have detected and potentially fully contained it existed.
Still, despite all these containment success stories, the emergence of a new pathogen with pandemic potential was a well understood and frequently discussed threat, although influenza viruses rather than coronaviruses were often seen as the most likely culprit. The eventual appearance of SARS-CoV-2 should therefore not have been a huge surprise, and should have been met with a full mobilization of the technical tools and fundamental public health principles developed over the previous decades.
The scandal of the century will be, bigger than DDT and asbestos, the officials that KNOW #COVIDisAirborne yet choose to promote droplet theory instead.
That one choice results in MILLIONS of needless infections, long term damage, & family tragedies.
When do the lawsuits start?
— Jennifer Heighton (@jheighton3) November 7, 2023
そして家族の悲劇を生むことになる。…— R連続体 MT Ph.D H.Sc. (@Rrenzokutai) November 8, 2023
そして家族の悲劇を生むことになる— Koichi Kawakami, 川上浩一 (@koichi_kawakami) November 8, 2023